Shelby County, Kentucky Wills, Estates, Deeds

Shelby County was formed in 1792 and was named for Isaac Shelby, the first Governor of Kentucky. The county seat is Shelbyville.

Shelby County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members

Wills and Estates, Bk 2, 1804 to 1811

Adams, Simon | Ashby, Silas | Banta, Henry | Bell, Henry | Black, Charles | Booker, Richard M. | Booker, R. M. | Booker, orphans | Boone, George | Bouldman, Robert | Boyd, orphans | Boyle, David | Boyle, William | Bozel, Nancy | Bradshaw, William | Bright, Lewis | Bull, Edward | Butler, Daniel | Butler, Elizabeth | Cannon, Tubman | Carr, Moses | Carson, Rolin | Casper, Elias | Childress, Susannah | Chiles, Walter | Churchhill, Richard | Clarke, James | Cravenstine, George | Crerenston, Rebekah | Daniel, George S. | Daniel, George | Daniel, Martin | Dardeman, Peter | Davis, Ezekiel | Dugan, Hugh | Dumaree, SamuelEakins, Robert | Elliott, Augustine | Elliott, Robert | Ellis, Jesse | Findley, Sarah | Finley, William | Fulton, JamesGash, Michael | Gillaspy, James | Graves, Davis Green, Katharine | Griffin, William | Harman, Stephen | Hern, Owen | Hill, Hardy | Hirman, William | Hornsby, Joseph | Houghland, James | Jewell, William Sr. | Johnston, Phil | Jones, Richard Lacefield, Patsy | Lastly, Robert | Lawrence, David | Lawrence, orphans | Lee, Daniel | Lee, William Sr. | Lewis, John | Link, Jacob | Lucas, Abraham | Martin, John | Martin, Peter | Matthews, John | McCampbell, Samuel | McClain, David | McClain, John | McClaine, Samuel | McCrocklin, John | McDowell, Charles | McFalls, David | McFall, Letty | McKinney, John and Charles | McKinney, John | McLaughlin, John | McWade, Henry | McWade, Margaret | Meeks, John | Miles, Samuel | Mitchell, William | Moore, R. M.Neal, John | Owen, Abraham | Pearcy, George | Pennington, Isaac | Perry, Roderick | Peyton, Charles | Pollard, Henry | Postlewait, Joseph | Prewitt, James | Prewitt, Michael | Radford, Richard | Redding, William | Reed, Susannah | Reid, James | Rennolds, William | Rennolds, orphans | Ridgway, Richard | Roberts, George | Robinson, James | Robinson, John | Rutledge, JohnSharp, John | Simpson, Benjamin | Simpson, James | Simpson, Joseph | Snider, Peter | Stone, George | Straughan, JohnTalbot, Ezekiel | Threlkeld, Thomas | Thomason, Hyland | Triplett, Rodger | Utterback, Henry | Weaver, Myrtlett | Whitaker, John | White, Matthew | White, Sarah | Williams, Elizabeth | Williams, Isaiah |Williams, Jonah | Woods, John

Indexes to Wills and Estates

Book No. 1, 1796 to 1804; Book No. 2, 1804 to 1811; Book No. 3, 1812 to 1817

Wills, Estates, Divisions, Inventories, Appraisements, Orphans, Guardianships, Bk 3, 1812 to 1817

Abbey, Silas | Abraham, John | Adams, Ephraim and Solomon | Allen, Washington | Ashley, Sarah and Thompson | Allen, John | Allison, Robert | Anderson, Amos and John | Atherton, Margaret | Ballard, William | Bekill, Craig | Bell, John | Black, Elizabeth | Booker, Richard Samuel | Boyd, Jane | Boyd, John | Boyd orphans | Boyd, William Braigleck, James | Bryant, Rawleigh and orphans | Bryant, Thomas | Bull, Edward Bullard, WilliamCarnes, Joseph |Carson, Robert |Chiles, Carr |Churchill, George and Richard |Clark, Godfrey |Clarke, John |Cook, William | Cooper, Benjamin and William | Craig, James | Crawford, JamesCrowley, William | Damaree, Samuel | Davis, Ezekiel | Davis, Thomas C. | Duncan, Nimrod | Eakin, John | Eakins, John | Edwards, Elisha and JosephElliott, William | Ferguson, William | Finley, William | Frazier, Andrew | Frye, Benjamin | Gallinger, Solomon | Garner, Sally | Gilland, Daniel | Glen, Joseph | Goldman, Robert | Gooch, Thomas | Graham, Joseph | Green, James | Griffin, Elizabeth | Griffith, BenjaminHarding, Daniel and John | Harlan, Thomas | Harris, Burr | Hays, Peter | Hedden, Gilbert | Hinton, William | Huston, William | Johnston, Thomas and orphans | Jones, Richard and WalterKester, William | Kinkead, John Kirkpatrick, Mathew | Kuykendall, Jacob and orphans | Lacewell, Elizabeth and orphans | Lang, James and Polly | Lemon, David and John | Lewis, Fielding and John | Littell, guardian | Logan, Benjamin and William | Long, JamesMahurin, John | Marquis, William K. | McClelland, Haunce | McDowell, Alexander McGaughey, John | Mead, John Meeks, John | Middleton, William | Miller, Alexander | Mitchell, Joseph and Thomas | Mount, Elisha | Mullikin, James | Murry, WarrenNewman, John | Oglesley, Nancy | Owen, Abraham } Owen, Jesse | Owen, Proctor | Ownsby, James | Perkins, Samuel | Perry, Rodrick | Pollard, William | Porter, Benjamin | Powell, William | Proctor, William Reddick, James | Redman, Milly |Reed, Thomas |Richmon, Peter |Ridgeway, Richard |Robinson, John F. |Rucker, Joshua |Russell, DanielSampler, Samuel | Sampson, William | Scoggin, Charles | Scott, James | Shanks, Thomas Jr. | Shannon, Samuel | Shoemaker, Peter | Simpson, Joseph | Smith, George and Robert | Stout, PeterTaylor, Phillip and William | Thatcher, Nancy | Theldkill, Moses | Thornton, Mitchel | Thurston, James and Plummer | Tilly, Lazarus | Tinsley, Jonathan and Samuel | Todd, John and William | Van Dyke, Peter | Venable, Henry and James Wallace, John | Webb, James |Wells, Carty and Hayden and Peggy |Wetherford, Elijah |Whitaker, Aquilla | Elisha | Jesse | Williams, John |Williamson, John | Wood, James | Woodside, JohnWoodson, Jesse

Shelby County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members

Wills and Estates Bk No. 1, 1792 to 1804

Bagel, William | Bell, Henry | Boling, William | Boyd, William | Boyles, David | Bozwell, George | Breedon, Richard | Brice, James | Brown, James | Buckhannon, William | Burzan, Jesse | Butler, Elizabeth | Clarke, John | Connely, John | Daniel, Robert | Dornas, Oliver | Dunn, John | Elam, Richard | Felly, John | Ford, John | Fullinwider, WilliamGarrett, John | Gazway, Richard | Glover, Jonah | Green, Catherine | Green, Jonathan | Hansbrough, Marias | Hansel, Phillip | Hartman, Anthony | Hill, Hardy | Hogland, Richard | Jacobs, Thomas | Johnston, Phillip Lane, Lambert | Lasley, Robert | Laurence, David | Leatherman, John | Lemaster, Richard | Lewis, JohnMcCampbell, Samuel | McCLain, Samuel | McClure, Daniel | McClure, John | Meeke, Jesse | Metcalf, James | Newland, Isaac | Newland, Jacob | Owen, Brackett | Owens, GeorgePennington, Isaac | Perkins, William | Potts, John | Powell, William | Prewitt, Michael Sr. | Redding, William | Reid, James | Robins, William Shannon, Thomas | Shannon, William | Shields, Patrick | Shuck, Andrew | Sled, William | Smith, Jacob | Squires, John | Stout, James | Thompson, Thomas | Van Cleve, RalphWalker, James | Walker, Joseph | Warford, David | Whitaker, Jesse | Whitaker, John | Williams, Elizabeth | Williams, John | Williams, William | Wilson, SamuelYoung, Adam

A Horse Dies of a Broken Heart

An incident illustrating the affectionate nature of a horse is told by theĀ Germantown Kentucky Enterprise.”

” Eugene Moore’s noted horse, Villain, died last week of loneliness. He was eleven years old, and from the time that he was a colt, was greatly attached to his mater. In winter’s cold or summer’s heat, Villain was always ready to carry his master on his back or draw him in a buggy. Shortly after Christmas, he was sent to Kincaid to spend the winter, and his owner failing to put in an appearance for several weeks, the horse pinned away, refusing to eat any good, and finally died.”

Source: The Jones Headlight, Gray, Georgia, May 12, 1888.