Nicholas County Genealogy Records: Wills, Inventories, Distributions, Guardianships

Nicholas County was established in 1799 from land taken from bourbon and Mason counties. It was named after George Nicholas, a Revolutionary War Soldier, from Fayette County. The county seat is Carlisle.

Indexes to Wills and Estates

  • Book A, 1800 to 1816
  • Book B, 1816 to 1829

Our Ancestors were Mighty and Brave

The bravest soldiers and settlers of past eras did not necessarily make the history books. But perhaps it is time that they did. The value of family stories lies in the lifespan of those who ventured to America when it was a wild country, built homes and communities, fought in the wars, and opened the door for the establishment of the U. S. Constitution. As the researcher assembles the genealogies and history involved, he realizes that his ancestors were not wimps! Rather, they were mighty brave! The genealogist meticulously gathers data and substantiates it with actual documents. In the process, they learn interesting details concerning the times….things that have never been written about by so-called historians. For, you see, the old documents, such as wills and estates, burials, land grants, battles, etc. tell the real story. If but a few of the researchers assembled and published the exciting events which surrounded their families, we would have some great reading!

Nicholas County Kentucky Genealogy Records Availab to Members

Names of Families in Images of Wills, Inventories, Guardianships, Distributions, Book C, 1830 to 1839

Names of Estates:Alison, John |Ammerman, Archibald |Baker, Mary |Baskett, Isaac |Baskett, Jesse |Baxter, Polly |Boyd, John |Boyer, PermeliaBrazier, Jacob |Brown, James |Brown, John |Buchanon, James |Burns, John |Caldwell, guardians |Campbell, Francis |Campbell, Josiah |Camron, John |Chadwick, John |Collier, Hamlett |Conn, James |Conway, John |Couchman, John |Dodgett, John |Dykes, Robert |Ellis, Mary |Endicott, Joseph |Foster, James Sr. |Gaines, George |Gray, guardian |Gray, Isaac |Grimes, Christian |Grimes, Elizabeth |Hall, Benjamin |Harding, John |Hardy, Armistead |Herndon, James |Hill, Ephraim |Holladay, gdns |Holladay, John |Hopkins, Jonah |Horn, Michael |How, Jonas |Howse, Richard |Huddleston, Hans |Hugh, Bryan May |Hughes, guardians |Hughes, James |Jeffries, Nancy |Johnson, Isham |Laytham, Anthony |Low, Isaac |Marshal, Hugh |Mathews, Joseph |McCune, John |Medley, A. S. |Miles, Amos |Monford, A. |Morgan, Joseph |Nesbit, Nathan |Ribelin, Martin |Riggin, Jesse |Riley, John |Roberts, N. |Robinson, James |Royce, Hiram |Schwartzwelcher, Peter |Shulse, Peter |Selby, Major |Shanklan, John |Shaw, George |Smith, Daniel |Smith, John |Smith, Nathan |Smith, Richard |Squires, John |Stadler, John |Summitt, George |Taylor, Joseph |Thomson, Maru |Turley, John |Tweedy, David |Van Schoiack, Jerry |Victor, James |Wagner, James |Wood, A.

Nicholas County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members

Images of Wills Inventories, Guardianships, Distributions, Book A, 1800-1815

Names of Estates:Anderson, James |Archer, James |Augustus, Enoch |Baker, Jacob |Baker, Martin Sr.Barlow, Thomas |Bell, Robert |Buckner, Robert |Buckanon, James |Burdin, James |Burton, Robert |Capady, Daniel | Cassaway, Daniel |Cochran, Peggy |Corbin, Abraham |Crawford, Samuel |Dailey, Bryan |Davidson, John |Deal, Matthew |Downey, ArchibaldDrummond, James |Duncan, James |Dunsmore, Samuel |Finley, Michael |Forsythe, John |Foster, Thomas |Githens, HenryGlascow, James |Glasgow, John |Gray, James |Grissman, Philemon |Grovena, John |Hall, Cornelius |Harney, Mills |Harris, Samuel |Hildreth, Squire |Howard, Matthew |Howerton, George |Jenkins, Samuel |Johnson, Jonathan |Johnston, Andrew |Jones, John |Jones, Robert |Kimbrough, Nathaniel |Kimbrough, Samuel |Kincart, Samuel |Kinhart, Samuel |Leeper, John |Manutty, John |Manutty, Joseph |McClelland, Jane |McCormick, James |McDowell, Robert |Mitchell, Josias |Mitchetter, Jonas |Moncrief, Mara |Morgan, Garret |Morgan, John |Myers, George |Oliver, John |Paugh, Henry |Phillips, Michael |Poe, Benjamin |Pratton, Joshua |Proctor, Jeremiah |Roberts, Newby |Robinson, Alexander |Saddler, John |Smart, James |Smart, Joseph |Snap, George |Stewart, John |Stewart, Robert |Stokes, Hamlin |Thomson, Alexander |Thomson, Joseph |Trousdale, Jon |Warrant, Isaac |Welch, Michael |Wells, Aaron |Williams, Nathaniel

Images of Wills, Inventories, Guardianships, Distributions, Book B, 1816 to 1829

Lists of Estates – Avery, James |Archer, John |Arthur, John |Ashley, James |Bartlett, William |Brown, James |Brown, Sally |Brown, Samuel |Berry, John |Caldwell, Robert |Caldwell, Thomas |Clair, William |Clarke, John |Collier, John |Clintock, William |Cresswell, Edward |Ellis, James |Hamilton, John | M.Hamilton, Robert |Hansford, Stephen |Hughes, James |Ishmael, Benjamin |Jolly, David |Jolly, Martha |Kennet, William |Law, Michael |Leeper, John |Leeper, Susannah |Mason, Burgess |Matthews, Joseph |May, James |Miller, Stephen |Potts, William |Powell, Thomas |Prather, John |Reed, Sarah |Rice, David |Ross, John |Runnels, JesseShuler, Peter |Smith, William |Stephenson, M. W. |Stitt, Hugh |Stoops, Joseph |Thompson, William |Watts, George |West, John |White, John |Younger, John