The old Nelson County Jail is located in the Bardstown Historic District in Bardstown, Kentucky, adjacent to the Old Talbott Tavern. The old jail was originally built in 1819 and a later addition was built-in 1874. It has two stories, three bays, and an attic, with a total land area of 36 feet by 56 feet. The stones of the main building are of laurel dolomite and are 30 inches thick. The roof is gabled. In 1874, the construction addition behind the main building was made of dry stone and served as the residence of the jailer.
Abel, George Adams, Richard Anderson, John Awbrey, Thomas Aydelette, George Baird, William Barnes, Elijah Barnes, James Bass, Thomas Bell, James Bissett, Thomas Blandford, William Bougher, Jacob Bray, Thomas Briggs, William Briscoe, Stephen Broughton, Jacob Brown, Andrew Brown, William Carrier, John Case, William Chambers, Anthony Chinn, Rawleight Clark, George Clark, Joseph Clements, John Coombs, David Coombs, John Cox, Gabriel Cox, Isaac Crum, Philip Daley, Edmund Dant, Charles Day, William Ducker, John Edwards, William Fogle, Adam Fogler, John Fulkerson, Fulkard Fuller, John Grable, Joseph Green, Mary Greenwell, John Grigsby, Nathaniel Haddox, Daniel Hammond, Gervis Hamp, John Harrel, Moses Harrison, George Heady, Thomas Henner, Stephen Hiatt, Andrew Hogland, Amos Hopkins, William Howard, Charles Howard, Sara Humphrey, William Hynes, Andrew Hynes, Elizabeth Jenings, Henry Johnston, Benjamin Johnston, John Jones, Samuel Kamp, John Kennady, John Lancaster, Raphael Lawrence, Solomon Malin, Isaac Marks, William Marshall, William McDaniel, John McHatton, Samuel Mellan, Isaac Minon, Mary Moore, Mary Morgan, Charles Morrison, James Murry, John Neel, George Neville, John Payton, Elias Pennebaker, Peter Polk, Thomas Rains, Hannah Randal, John Rickerson, Timothy Ricks, Dinah Ripkey, John Scholes, Thomas Scott, William Shally, Adam Slaughter, Robert Smith, Mary Stigler, Samuel Temple, David Tickenor, Daniel Truett, Thomas Vawls, Mathew Watkins, William Whitaker, Henry Wilcocks, Phebe Willcocks, William Winsett, Ignatius Wood, Richard Wright, Michael
Adams, Richard Allen, John Sr. Allen, Robert Anderson, Benedict Auberry, Roland Balsel, John Beall, Elisha Beall, Walter Bean, John Boley, John Boneheart, John Bouchead, John Boylle, William Brewer, Thomas Brougher, Jacob Brown, Austin Brown, James Brown, orphans Burke, Ann Burkhead, Eleazer Burton, Walthall Burton, William Calvert, Thomas Charles, Willis Chenorwith, William Clark, George Clark, James Clark, John Cleaver, William Cleaves, Stephen Coachman, Michael Cotton, John Cox, Gabriel Crum, Phillip Crutcheon, Isaac Edwards, Eiliam Farmer, John Folks, Mary French, Ignatius Fuller, John Gardiner, Joseph Glaze, Earheart Grable, Joseph Greenwell, John Hagan, Cable Hagan, Mary Hahn, Christian Hardin, James Harrell, Moses Head, Cuthbert Heady, Thomas Hefley, Elias Hobbs, Joseph Hopkins, John Howard, Charles Howard, Thomas Huffman, Jacob Humphrey, Mary Humphrey, Molly Humphrey, William Huston, William Hutchins, John Hynes, Andrew Johnson, William Jones, Samuel King, William Lansdale, Richard Lesher, John Lightfoot, John Long, James Mariman, Zachariah Marks, George Sr. McAtee, Leonard McCabe, John McCarty, John McGarvy, John McGee, John Miles, William Miller, Daniel More, Elijah Muse, George Panbaker, Frederick Polke, Thomas Prather, Richard Remey, Jacob Rhodes, Basil Ricks, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Smiley, William Smith, Benedict Smyth, Charles Steward, Charles Taylor, William Thurman, William Trenary, Richard Vowles, John Vowles, Matthew Walker, Gideon Welles, Daniel Wells, Francis Wells, James Willet, George Wood, Richard Woodsmall, James Woodson, James Woodson, William
Allen, James Anderson, Benedict Anderson, David Bane, Joseph Barrett, William Bassel, William Bernard, John Bethel, William Brown, Elizabeth Brown, James Brown, Samuel Cain, Mathew Cambron, Francis Carrel, Thomas Carter, Abenigo Chapage, Henry Chenault, John Church, Luke Clark, Ignatius Clements, John Colvert, Thomas Connaway, Joseph Cook, Philip Couchman, Michael Craven, John Cummins, John Davis, John Dawson, John Doran, John Doyal, Owen Dugan, Thomas Dugan, William Figh, Adam Fulkerson, Jacob Gardiner, Richard Hagan, Joseph Halbert, Davis Hammond, Gervis Harding, Margaret Harrel, Moses Head, Cuthbert Hibbs, Isaac Hinney, William Hoskins, Joseph Houston, James Houston, John Howard, Joseph Howard, Rebecca Howard, Susanna Humphrey, William Johnson, William Johnston, William King, Peter Kish, Conrad Lansdale, Richard Leamon, John Lightfoot, John Long, James Marshall, Jane May, Gabriel McGee, John Meadows, Richard Minor, William Mitchell, Richard Montgomery, James Napier, William Owens, William Panbaker, Frederick Quinton, Philip Richards, John Rickerson, Timothy Ritchie, John Robertson, John Rusk, Elam Scott, William Smiley, John Stone, William Sutherland, John Tutt, Thomas Wakefield, John Wakefield, Matthew Wall, James Willett, George Winn, James
Abel, Peter Barlow, Samuel Briscoe, Walter Brunts, John Cashlayer, David Cassell, Ignatious Clark, Jeremiah Collins, William Cox, Isaac Cripp, Christopher Elhose, John Hardin, John Harrod, Asher Hendrick, John Henry, Stephen Howard, Thomas Hunter, John Kelly, William Kerns, Daniel Lee, Peter Lincoln, Isham Meese, George Mease, Lawrence Patrick, Peter Payton, James Spears, Solomon Thralkeild, Moses Wilson, James
Armstrong, John Ash, John Baird, James Baird, Thomas Barker, Robert Barnes, James Barton, Roger Black, John Blackford, Joseph Bland, John Bowman, M. Bozworth, Joseph Bray, Henry Breedlove, John Briggs, William Broughton, Charles Brown, Benjamin Brown, Peter Brown, Samuel Burns, Michael Carr, Thomas Caserns, William Casey, James Coldizer, David Column, Joseph Combs, David Compton, Augustine Copeland, James Cox, Isaac Craven, James Crum, Philip Curts, Martin Day, William Deacon, Michal Arch Downs, William Drake, Jonathan Duson, William Dynes, Thomas Ewing, Samuel Ferguson, William Fitch, John Goff, William Goldsberg, John Hall, Robert Handley, Samuel Hanks, Joseph Hardin, Mark Hart, Miles Hash, Silas Hebner, Christian Hews, M. Higler, Samuel Hobbs, Elizabeth Hogland, Richard Hugh, James Hurley, Thomas Hynes, Andrew Jarbo, Rudolph Johnston, John Jordan, John Kampt, John Kelly, Isaac Kenehelse, William King, Valentine Larue, John Lee, John Lee, Richard Lee, Samuel Litson, Anthony Marshall, John McCollum, Joseph McComes, Mordecai McGee, James McHenry, John McKiney, John McOter, Leonard Melson, Richard Miller, Dudley Miller, Ebenezer Morrison, James Nowell, James Nowell, Mathew Newell, William Patton, James Peyton, Elias Prather, Richard Randolph, John Reed, Charles Reed, John Rooks, Benedict Reed, Charles Reed, Jesse Rhude, Jesse Rounder, Peter Sands, James Sandusky, Sarah Selsch, Nicholas Shereliff, Thomas Shinlep, Thomas Shumate, John Shurcliffe Thomas Simmons, Mary Smith, Mary Sproutsman, John Stevenson, Hugh Tannerhill, Sarah nbsp;Thomas, Wilsey Thornhill, H. Vaughan, Andrew Vaughan, Mary Wake, Mathew Wakefield, Mathew Whitaker, Henry Willett, Samuel Williams, Jared Wilson, William