Montgomery County Wills, Estates, Guardianships

Montgomery County was established in 1796 from land taken from by Clark County. Montgomery County was named in honor of Richard Montgomery, an American Revolutionary War Brigadier General who was killed in 1775 while attempting to capture Quebec City, Canada. The county seat is Mount Sterling.

Montgomery County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members

Book B, 1813 to 1822

*Adams, Mathew *Allen, John *Allen, William *Allison, William *Anderson, John *Anthony, David *Barker, Thomas *Barnard, John *Barr, William *Barron, David *Batts, Joseph *Bealy, Thomas *Beecraft, James *Belk, William *Bell, William *Biggers, William *Bleak, John *Bledsoe, Moses *Blythe, Charley *Bridges, William *Brothers, Absalom *Brothers, Thomas *Brown, Mary Ann *Budle, David *Bumgarner, George *Caldbreath, John *Callaway, Elizabeth *Callaway, Richard *Cannon, Henry *Carrington, Samuel *Case, James *Case, Samuel *Cockran, William *Coffer, Henry *Collewin, Joseph *Conley, Arthur *Cooper, Henry *Cox, Martha *Dale, Thomas *Davis, Jeremiah *Davis, Margaret *Davis, Nathaniel *Edwards, Nancy *Evans, Samuel *Evans, Sarah *Foster, James *Fuqua, John *Gaines, Rowland *Garvis, Richard *Gilley, Charles *Gilmore, William *Gray, John *Greggs, John *Grier, Richard *Guerrant, Peggy *Guerrant, Peter *Gunnell, Robert *Hale, Richard *Hall, Arthur *Hall, William *Hanah, James *Hanks, George *Hardwick, Christopher *Hardwick, John *Hardwick, Samuel *Higgins, Jesse *Hodges, John *Hopewood, James *Hukel, Levi *Hutts, Sally *Jameston, Thomas *Jeffries, Henry *Jones, Dudley *Jones, Isham *Jones, John *Jones, Thomas *Kirk, Alexander *Lacy, James *Lacy, Mark *Lacy, Samuel *Lederer, Lawrence *Lee, William *Lemaster, Benjamin *Lyle, John *Mannion, Thomas James *Mappin, James *Martin, John *Maury, James *McCleland, William *McMillian, Robert *Meteer, Samuel *Miller, Brice *Miller, John *Morton, Isaiah *Munge, Stephen *Myers, DanielBook C, 1823 to 1828 *Alexander, John F. *Bledshore Moses, heirs *Brown, Margaret *Caldbreath, John *Calk, William *Call, William *Cane, William *Chorn, Absalom *Chorn, Samuel *Clements, Elizabeth *Coons, William *Cooper, Henry *Davis, James *Davis, Jeremiah *Duncan, Andrew *Eastridge, Robert *Epperson, Robert *Fletcher, Jesse *Fortner, Jonas *Fortner, Squire *Fuqua, John *Gilbreath, John *Gillin, Daniel *Hagan, Alexander *Hamby, Juda *Han, Joseph *Hary, John *Higgins, James *Johnson, David *Jones, Catharine *Jones, Dudley *Jones, Isam *Keeling, Leonard *Lane, John *Law, John *Malone, Jonathan *Morris, Jacob *Myers, Henry *Nicholas, Jacob *Payne, Gibson *Payne, Jilson *Payne, John *Porter, James *Pratier, James *Pugh, David *Reynolds, John *Rogers, A. B. *Rogers, Atwell *Rogers, Nancy *Sadler, Mary *Seans, William *Smith, Cane *Smith, E. *Smith, Lane *Smith, Mary R. *Stopes, Mathias *Thomas, Benjamin Franklin *Thompson, Joseph *Thompson, William *Titman, John *Vest, Jacob *Watson, Joab *Wells, John *Welsh, Thomas *White, Charles *Whitsett, Rebecca *Wills, James *Wills, John *Wyatt, Francis

Genealogy Records available to Members of Kentucky Pioners

Indexes to Wills, Estates, Inventories, Guardianships

  • 1797 to 1812
  • 1813 to 1822
  • 1823 to 1828

Book A, 1797-1812

Allen, John *Anderson, Nicholas *Armstrong, Thomas *Beacraft, James *Bell, William *Bell, Zachariah *Bledsoe, Moses *Boone, Jacob *Bracken, Robert *Branson, David *Brinser, David *Bumgardner, Bum *Butler, Thomas *Caldwell, John *Cantell, Joshua *Carmen, Henry *Carson, William *Clark, James *Collins, Joseph *Colliver, Joseph *Darnatt, John *Davis, Ignatius *Davis, Nathaniel *Davis, Thomas *Dewitt, Barnet *Dewitt, Barnett Sr. *Dewitt, Martin *Downings, James *Downings, Samuel *Duncan, Isaac *Elliott, John *England, David *Erwin, John *Ewings, Joshua *Fletcher, Thomas *Forbest, Hugh *Furled, Anthony *Goodson, Duncan *Hall, Robert *Harris, Joseph *Harrow, Samuel *Hart, William *Hensley, Joseph *Hensley, Samuel *Hicks, Alexander *Hodge, John H. *Honaker, Peter *Hopper, William *Jenkins, James H. *Jennings, William *Johnson, Edmund *Kelly, Alexander *Kennedy, James *Lancaster, Benjamin *Lane, William *Lawson, Elijah *Lenigor, Joseph *Loe, Polly *Maxy, Thomas *Mayberry, Lewis *Mays, Thomas *Meteer, William *Mitchel, John *Mitchell, John *Norris, William *Northcut, Jeremiah *Oakley, Benjamin *Owings, Jeptha *Parker, Peter *Parks, James *Pebbler, Jane *Pritchard, Phillip *Ragan, William *Rice, Fleming *Richardson, Jonathan *Ringo, Henry *Robertson, Robert *Robertson, William *Robinson, Hugh *Robinson, John *Robinson, William *Rodgers, John *Saul, William *Shutts, Henry *Sidner, Lawrence *Smith, Joseph *Steel, Robert *Stewart, David *Stewart, Benjamin *Taylor, Francis *Thompson, William *Todd, William *Trotter, Richard *Turner, Joseph *Varnars, Cornelius *Wells, Euclid *Wilkinson, Moses *Williams, John *Williams, Joseph *Wills, James *Wools, Christopher *Young, Robert *Young, S. *Young, William