Names of Families in Madison County Wills, Estates, Inventories, et al

In 1769, a hunting expedition by Indian trader John Findley, Daniel Boone, and four others first visited the area that is Madison County. Later on, in 1775, The Transylvania Company led by Judge Richard Henderson of North Carolina purchased 20,000,000 acres of land west of the Appalachians from the Cherokee Indians in 1774. Then, Daniel Boone was hired to cut a trail through the Cumberland Gap and establish the settlement of Fort Boonesborough on the Kentucky River. Ten years later Madison County was established from Lincoln County lands.

Madison County Georgia Genealogy Records Available to Members

Book C, 1819 to 1824

*Arnold, Rebecca *Baker, Charles *Baker, George *Ball,, John *Ballard, John *Barness, William *Barns, Samuel *Bates, Epps *Beck, William *Bennett, Sarah *Berry, James *Biggerstaff, Hiram *Blackwell, Benjamin *Bogie, Andrew *Boggs, James *Burnsides, James *Campbell, Mary *Carver, Archillis *Christopher, David *Clayton, John *Cockran, John *Collier, James *Collier, John Sr. *Collins, Thomas *Commster, James *Coulter, James *Crews, David *Crews, William *Davis, John *Dawson, John *Dillingham, Joseph *Dooley, Jacob Jr. *Duncan, Arthur *Edmundson, James *Evans, Loverand *Evans, Mary *Evans, Moses *Fereby, Samuel *Fleming, James *Floyd, Aaron *Forder, Ann *Fortson, Susannah *Freeman, George *Fryer, Robert *Fullilove, Allen *Fullilove, William *Gates, James *Gilbert, Samuel *Goggins, John *Goss, John *Green, William *Guinn, Catharine *Gully, Thomas *Halley, Francis *Ham, John *Ham, Stephen *Harris, Thomas *Havey, Samuel *Hawkins, Nicholas *Hays, Peter *Hiatt, Joseph *Hill, William *Holeman, Joseph *Hume, Benjamin *Hume, Reuben *Hume, William *Igo, William *Irvine, David C. *Irvine, William *Johnson, Jesse *Johnson, Susannah *Kelly, Samuel *Kerr, William *Lee, Richard *Leverage, John *Levis, Robert *Lipscomb, William *Lott, Joseph *Marion, James *Marshall, George *Maserby, Benjamin *Mauzey, John *McBeam, Thomas *McWilliams, John *Miller, William *Moberly, Samuel *Moore George *Moore, WIlliam *Newby, John *Parker, Nathaniel *Parkes, Charles *Peak, George O. *Peak, S. *Powell, William *Pullum, Drury *Purkins, Michael *Reeves, William *Roberts, Elisha *Robertson, James *Robeson, Richard *Rodes, Robert *Rolley, Francis *Rucker, Jeremiah *Scott, George *Searcey, Charles *Searcey, Samuel *Snapp, Elijah *Stagner, Barnaby *Stewart, Thomas *Stone, Francis *Stone, James *Thompson, Jesse *Tribble, Andrew *Tuder, Blumer *Turner, Jonathan *Turner, Thomas *Walker, Alexander *Walker, James *Wallace, Elizabeth *Wally, Thomas *Warren, Thomas *Watson, William *Watts, Thomas *Wells, Henry *Wheeler, Benjamin *White, Henry *White, Joel *Wills, D. *Willes, Drury *Woolford Joseph

Book D, 1824 to 1829

*Adams, Thomas *Anderson, John *Anderson, William *Arnold, Leon *Arnold, Rebecca *Ball, John *Ballard, John P. *Barnett, Alexander *Barnett, William *Bennett, William *Bentley, Lawrence *Bird, Samuel *Black, James *Blackburn, James *Bridewell, Samuel *Broaddus, John *Brooks, Jonathan *Brooks, Thomas *Bruton, Enoch *Burgin, Denny *Burnsides, Samuel *Burris, Charles *Burton, Abraham *Burton, Jesse W. *Burton, William *Campbell, Anderson *Clark, John *Clay, Green *Cockran, John *Cornickson, Aron *Cornelison, Aaron *Cornelison, Thomas *Crews, A. *Crews, Anderson *Crews, David *Crews, Temple *Crews, Will *Crews, William *Daugherty, Nancy *Davidson, John *Delaney, William *Douchs, Robert *Durson, John *Elder, Andrew Sr. *Elliott, John Sr. *Evans, Moses *Fletcher, James *Fowler, Zachariah *Galloway, John *Gates, James *Gentry, Martin *Gilbert, Adam *Gilbert, Elizabeth *Gilbert, Isaac *Gillispie, Elizabeth *Green, John *Green, Matilda *Grimes, Adam *Hackett, Bazel *Haggard, Edmund *Hainbine, Nathan *Harris, Austin *Harris, Overton *Hays, Peter *Hays, Samuel *Henry, Sarah Ann *Herms, Gabriel *Hill, Sarah *Hill, William *Hubbard, Hanson *Hubbard, Thomas *Irvin, David *Irvin, D. C. *Irvine, Abner *Irvine, Adam *Jamieson, James *Jennings, Robert *Jones, Irvin *Jones, Moses *Kavanaugh, Philemon *Kennedy, Lucinda *Kerr, Gilbert *Kerr, Samuel *Kerr, William *Kirby, William *Lamb, P. *Lea, Francis *Lee, William *Maberly, Benjamin *Mackey, James *Mallory, James *Masters, John *Maupin, Jesse *Maupin, Washington *McBane, Thomas *McBride, James *McCord, William *McGee, Henry *Miller, John *Moberly, guardians *Munday, Reubin *Musick, Ephraim *Newby, James *Nichols, James *Nicholson, James *Patrick, John *Pearson, George O. *Pearson, Parker *Perkins, William *Phelps, Sally *Pinkston, Bazel *Powell, Edmund *Proctor, James *Pullum, Drury *Pullum, Johnson *Quinn, Hiram *Quinn, Joshua *Reid, John *Reid, Polly *Robertson, Samuel *Robinson, Samuel *Rowland, Robert *Sands, Henry *Smith, Margery *Smith, Thomas *Stalker, Wester *Stephens, James *Stephenson, Mary *Stewart, James *Stewart, Thomas *Stone, Josiah *Stringer, Robert *Sturges, Robert A. *Sutherland, Lanty *Swope, John W. *Taylor, Samuel B. *Taylor, Thomas *Thomas, Jane *Thomas, Valentine *Thompson, John *Thompson, Thomas A. *Thompson, Thomas A. (2) *Truman, Wesley *Turner, Squire *Turner, Thomas Sr. *White, Nicholas *Williams, Will *Williams, William *Willis, William

  • Book A1. 1787 to 1806
  • Book B. 1814 to 1819
  • Book C. 1819 to 1824
  • Book D. 1824 to 1829

Madison County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members

Book A1, 1786 to 1806

*Alford, John *Allcorn, Robert *Allen, Cary H. *Anderson, John *Anderson, Samuel *Black, James *Blackwell, Armistead *Blackwell, Sarah *Blockley, John *Blythe, William *Bowles, Hugh *Bowman, John *Bramwell, Joseph *Bridges, George *Broadus, William *Broadus, William M. *Brown, John *Burgin, Isaac *Burgin, Jesse *Burnet, Roland *Campbell, Thomas *Carpenter, Edward *Carpenter, John *Carrich, William *Chaffey, Charles *Chizum, James *Clark, James *Clark, Jesse *Cockran, James *Coffey, N. *Corlen, Belford *Coulter, James *Creath, William *Cullen, James *Dever, William *Diver, Dennis *Donaldson, Andrew *Dozier, James *Dryden, William *Duglas, Alexander *Duncan, Benjamin *Elliott, Robert *Estill, Mary Ann *Estill, William *Faris, Michael *Farthing, Edward *Fincher, William *Fitzgerald, John *Fletcher, William *Ford, Peter *Fowler, Matthew *Fullilove, William *Gaps, David *Gentry, Enoch *Giles, James *Gillispie, William *Goff, Alexander *Gray, Stephen *Green, Stephen *Gully, Thomas *Gyn, Jacob *Hamilton, William *Harris, Benjamin *Harris, Christopher *Harris, James *Harris, Thomas *Harrison, James *Hart, William *Hawkins, atharine *Hawkins, Joseph *Hawkins, Nathan *Hehy, Michael *Heming, James *Hill, Joshua *Holand, John *Hoy, Roland *Hoy, William *Huggins, William *Irvine, Charles *Irvine, Christopher *Irvine, John *Johnson, Barnet *Jones, James *Kavenaugh, Charles *Kavanaugh, hilemon *Kelly, Samuel *Kincaid, John *Kinder, George *Lee, George *Lowry, James *Loyd, Samuel C. *Manson, John *Martin, James *Mason, William *Maupin, Daniel *Maxwell, Thomas *McCreery, James *McKenny, Joseph *McMillan, William *McMullin, James *McNeely, James *McWilliams, David *Merritt, Joseph *Miller, Abraham *Moody, Andrew Sr. *Moore, Burton *Moore, William *Morehead, William *Morrison, Hugh *Newland, Abraham *Nobles, David *Noland, Joshua *O Near, Jeremiah *Owsley, Thomas *Parks, Allen *Phelps, George *Phelps, John Sr. *Portwood, Loyd *Portwood, Thomas *Reynolds, Thomas *Rice, John *Richardson, Aaron *Roberson, Robert *Roberts, Edward *Roberts, Elisha *Robertson, William *Sampson, Isaac *Sapp, Nancy *Sappington, John *Searcey, Bartlett *Scrivener, James *Searcey, Allen *Shackelford, E. L. *Shackelford, James *Shelton, Thomas *Shurley, Catharine *Smith, Charles *Smith, Reubin *Smith, Reubin Dr. *Starnes, Isaac *Stephenson, Edward *Stephenson, Elizabeth *Stephenson, E. *Stepp, James *Stevens, Humford *Stone, Benjamin *Stone, Samuel *Talmer, Samuel *Tatum, Samuel *Taylor, David *Thompson, David *Timberlake, Richard *Turner, Edward *Turner, Madison *Twig, Nathaniel *Walker, James *Walker, James (2) *Watts, John *White, David *White, James *White, John Sr. *Wills, Henry *Woodson, James *Wooley, John *Woolscale, William

Book A2, 1806 to 1813

Adams, Cane * Adams, Nathan *Alford, John *Anderson, Charles *Anderson, John *Ballew, Charles *Barnes, Elias *Barnett, Mary *Barns, Charles *Barns, Rebecca *Barns, Samuel *Beck, William *Biggentop, Moses *Black, John *Boland, John *Brown, John *Brown, Nicholas *Bryant, Abraham *Burnside, Robert *Burton, Robert *Butterton, Sandford *Campbell, John *Carpenter, John *Clark, Susanna *Clement, Benjamin *Cockran, Samuel *Coulter, James *Crews, Jesse *Crooke, Absalom *Davis, John *Davis, Margaret *Douglas, Jesse *Douglas, William Sr. *Dryden, Delilah *Dyarratt, Daniel *Elder, Andrew *Estill, Bona *Estill, Mary Ann *Ford, William *Fowler, Joshua *Gapp, David *Gentry, David *Gentry, Elizabeth *Gentry, James *Gillispie, David *Glenn, Hugh Sr. *Gooch, Cornelius *Green, Stephen *Gully, Thomas *Haggard, Edmond *Ham, William *Harris, Charles *Harris, John *Hawkins, Abraham *Hawkins, John *Hawkins, Joseph *Hawkins, Nancy *Hawkins, Phillip *Hill, David *Hill, Joshua *Irvine, Christopher *James, John *Jamison, John *Jamison, Samuel *Jones, Morias *Keen, James *Kelly, John *Kightly, Elijah *Kincaid, John *Lee, William *Lewis, Abraham *Lipscomb, William *Lott, Margaret *Massie, Silvanus *Maxwell, Bazel *Maxwell, Thomas *McClanahan, Andrew *McClane, James *McDaniel, James *McWilliams, James *Miller, John *Moore, Samuel Sr. *More, Reuben *More, Wylie *Morrison, George *Newland, Isaac *Patton, William *Perkins, Dabney *Portwood, Loyd *Reese, James *Richard, Leonard *Roberson, Robert *Sanders, William *Saulin, Henry *Simon, Richard *Smith, James *Smith, Reubin Dr. *Stephenson, James *Stephenson, Thomas *Sword, John *Taylor, Nancy *Taylor, Peter *Tipton, John *Turner, Edward *Turpin, William *Vandiver, John *Walker, Asaph *Walker, David *Walker, John W. *Walker, Stephen *Wallace, Michael *West, John *White, Henry *Williford, Joseph *Williford, Samuel *Willis, John *Woodruff, John

Book B, 1814 to 1819

*Abraham, Isaac *Abrams, Elias *Adams, Abraham *Alford, John *Allen, John *Baker, Charles *Barnett, James *Barnett, James M. *Barnett, John *Barnett, William *Begensta, Hiram *Belsha, Samuel *Bennett, Sarah *Benslery, William *Bentley, William *Biggerstaff, Moses *Bledsoe, R. *Blythe, William *Booker, Travis *Bowls, William *Bridges, Barns *Brown, John *Brown, Nicholas *Brown, William *Bullard, Thomas *Burgin, Jacob *Burnside, Elizabeth *Burton, Isaac *Carney, James *Chenault, William *Clemens, Benjamin *Clubb, James *Clubb, Jane *Collier, James *Cox, Stephen *Dawson, John *Delany, Joseph *Delany, William *Dollars, John *Dryden, William *Dunn, Richard *Durbin, Edward *Eastin, Stephen *Edwin, Ann *Ferrell, John *Fincher, James *Fincher, Samuel *Freeman, Samuel *French, William *Fullilove, William *Gates, Epps *Gates, James *Gentry, Austin *Goodloe, Robert *Goodloe, Sarah *Gordon, David *Gowan, James *Green, William *Guinn, Matthew *Gullery, Thomas *Ham, Joel *Ham, William *Harris, Agnes *Harris, Elizabeth *Harris, Margaret *Harris, Sterling *Harris, William E. *Hart, William *Hawkins, Elijah *Hays, David *Hiatt, John *Hill, David *Hill, William *Hollis, Hudson *Hood, John *Hubbard, John *Hume, George *Hume, Shelton *Irvine, William *Jamieson, William *Jinty, David *Jones, Elizabeth *Jones, Foster *Jones, James *Jones, Robert *Jones, William *Lamb, James *Lands, William *Lewis, Abraham *Lillard, Thomas *Logston, Elisha *Mackay, Alexander *Manion, John *Masters, James *McCord, David *Miller, John *Noble, Susannah *Oldham, Jesse *Owsley, Thomas *Peterhearts, Thomas *Pettichord, Thomas *Philips, John *Prather, John *Proffitt, Pleasant *Pullens, John *Pullum, Thomas *Rabourn, William *Raybourne, Susannah *Reece, John Sr. *Reed, John *Reed, Mary *Rodes, Robert *Ross, James *Rucker, Jeremiah *Sanders, Daniel *Scott, John *Scott, Joseph *Searcey, Charles *Shearer, James *Simes, Josiah *Simmons, John *Slaghter, John *Smith, John *Smith, Reuben *Smith, William John *Snapp, Elijah *Snoddy, John *Stanley, Nathan *Stanton, Matthew *Starnes, Isaac *Stephenson, Andrew *Stephenson, Thomas *Stoeher, Thomas *Swope, John *Taylor, Peter *Tevis, Nathaniel *Thomas, A. *Thomas, Abraham *Thomas, Joshua *Thorp, Thomas *Tipton, Jabez *Todd, Thomas *Turner, John *Walker, James *Walker, Stephen *Wallace, William *Watson, Benjamin *Watson, William *Wheeler, Joshua *White, Joel *White, Thomas *Williams, William M. *Willis, William *Winant, John *Woolfolk, Joshua

Indexes to Wills, Estates, Guardianships, Inventories, Sales