Names of Families in Images of Logan County Wills, Estates, Distributions, Guardianships

The county of Logan was formed in 1792 and was named after Benjamin Logan, second in command of the Kentucky Militia during the Revolutionary War. The territory first stretched from the Mississippi River in the west to the Little Barren River in the east. The county seat is Russellville.
Logan County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members

Images of Logan County Wills and Estates Book B, 1815 to 1823

Adams, William*Aingells, George*Bailey, T.Baker, John* T.Bagley, P.Baker, Mary*Boone, SquireBoyle, EleanorBreathitt, William*Breen, James*Britt, EleanorBritt, William*Brown, Jacob*Brown, John*Browning, Isaac*Browning, John*Bryant, Absalom*Caldwell, AdamCampbell, George*Carlisle, Henry*Clark, William*Cloud, Daniel*Colbert, Samuel*Cook, ValentineCoulter, William*Crewion, Reuben*Curdy, Thomas* W.Dallum, Richard*Davis, William*Dumond, William*Duncan, Benjamin*Duncan, William*Davis, James*Drew, Warner*Duncan, James*Edwards, John*Foster, AnthonyFoster, Lewis*Frayer, James*Gorham, MargaretGorham, Thomas*Gray, Samuel*Hackersmith, Edward*Haddox, John*Haden, William Sr.*Hains, John*Hall, Alexander*Hall, James Slater*Hanley, Jonathan*Hannah, Elizabeth*Hansbrough, Smith*Harding, William*Harrison, John*Henderson, Lewis*Herndon, James*Hise, Frederick*Hogan, John*Holloway, John*Hopkins, Eprhraim*Howard, Lindsey*Hughes, James*Hughes, Rowland*Ingram, Joseph*Ingram, William*Inman, James*Jackson, Joseph*James, Thomas*James, Thomas W.*Johnson, Joseph*Johnson, Thomas*Johnston, David*Johnston, John*Johnston, Nathan*Jones, Aaron*Kellanghan, John*King, John*Langston, Ragland*Lewis, Waller*Ling, William*Lockhart, David*Lowry, John*Lyon, John*Martin, George*Maxwell, William Sr.*McAlister, James*McKain, James*McKinsey, Alexander*Medole, John*Milan, Roda*Miller, Andrew*Miller, John*Millikin, Harbison*Montgomery, Alexander*Morgan, Abner*Morgan, John*Morris, William*Murdin, Edward*Neely, David*Norris, James*Owings, Joshua*Perkins, James*Price, John*Price, William*Punting, Aquilla P.*Purbush, Robert*Reading, William*Roberd, Charles*Ross, John*Rowland, Micajah*Rust, Jacob*Smith, Absalom*Smith, Hansbrough*Steel, Robert*Stevens, Huldy*Taylor, William*Temple, Harman*Thompson, Henry*Thornberry, William*Townsen, A.*Venall, Tobias*Watson, John*Walker, David*Wallace, William*Wash, Thomas*West, Amos*Westray, Simon*Whitsett, William*Wilkins, Richard*Williams, Jesse*Wright, William*

Images of Logan County Wills and Estates Book C, 1823 to 1827

Arnold, John*Bagley, Elizabeth*Baker, Robert Jr.*Bell, Wright E.*Bowles, John*Burks, Nathan*Byrum, William*Carr, Nancy*Dallam, Richard*Dodson, William*Duval, William*Ewing, Reuben*Felts, Archibald*Frazer, James*Gilbert, Charles*Haden, John*Haden, Joseph*Harden, William*Henderson, Andrew*Hughes, John*Hughes, Rowland*Johnson, David*Lee, Elizabeth*Littlejohn, Samuel*Millikin, Nancy*Mize, William*Perkins, William*Poor, Robert*Price, John Sr.*Rice, Ignatius*Rice, John*Smith, James*Todd, Benjamin*Turner, Mary*Washburn, John*Wells, Catherine*Wells, Henry*West, Ann* B.Whitsett, Isaac*Williams, Jesse*Williams, John*Wilson, Isaac*Woodman, George*

Images of Logan County Wills and Estates Book D, 1827 to 1831

Allen, William*Angell, William*Arnold, John*Baker, Robert*Baker, William*Bantas, John*Bardy, W. C.*Barker, Ananias Sr.*Beakey, William W.*Bell, James*Bowen, Mary*Bowling, S. S.*Britt, William*Browder, Thomas*Browning, Abner*Browning, Bertha Ann*Browning, G. S.*Browning, John*Brumbaugh, Samuel*Byrom, John*Campbell, A. M.*Card, Joseph*Chastain, William*Cook, T.*Crabtree, Nancy*Creel, Mary*Daniel, Garnett*Day, Henry*Denson, Russell E.*Drew, Warner*Duncan, Abner*Dunlap, Archibald*Dunscombe, Samuel D.*Duval, Claburn*Ewing, William*Ewing, W. W.*Fairbush, William*Fitzhugh, Peter*Forgy, Samuel*Fortner, L.*Fortner, Martin*Foster, Edmund*Foster, orphans*Frazer, M.*Full, James S.*Gilbert, Martin*Gill, James*Gill, Presley*Gough, orphan*Graham, orphan*Gray, Joseph*Green, Hannah*Haden, James*Haden, Joseph*Hamilton, Joseph D.*Hamilton, Sally*Hardison, Gabriel*Henry, Elizabeth*Henry, William*Hogan, John*Hogan, Martin*Hogan, Rawleigh*Hoss, Susan*Hughes, John*Hull, Alexander*Huskett, Nathaniel*Ingram, William*Inman, Henry*Inman, orphan*James, Charles B.*James, John*Johnson, James* J.Johnston, Richard*Jones, John*Keaten, Joseph*Kelly, Martin*Kennedy, John W.*Kennedy, Philip*Kennedy, William*Kerry, Levin*King, Levin*Lee, Temperance W.*Limsbaugh, Daniel*Littlejohn, Samuel*Long, B. C.*Long, Frances B.*Mauzey, Henry*McCaleb, M.*McLean, L. D.*McLeod, William*Miller, Charlotte*Mimms, Robert*Morehead, Charles*Morgan, Rolly*Morton, ElijahMosby, Robert*Moseley, Robert*Munday, William*Murdole, William*Neely, Charles*Ogden, John*Ogden, Mary*Ornsdorf, Christopher*Pace, William B.*Page, Nancy*Page, William*Paisley, Robert*Parks, David*Patterson, A.*Patterson, John*Perkins, James*Perkins, William*Perry, John*Perry, Thomas*Phelps, William*Poor, Robert*Price, John*Proctor, Charles*Roberts, Joseph*Robinson, Charles*Rogers, Reuben*Ross, Stephen*Rutherford, Stephen*Scott, William*Scott, William B.*Simms, Nazareth*Slaughter, Louise*Smith, James*Stribling, Thomas*Stubblefield, Thomas*Traughter, Elizabeth*Traughter, Henry*Traughter, William*Tunstell, Agnes*Turner, Henry O.*Turner, Karns*Vineyard, Elizabeth*Washburn, Philip*Waters, P.*Waters, R.*Wilkerson, Susannah&Williamson, Christopher*Wilson, Isaac*Wilson, orphans*Wolfe, Jesse*Woodhouse, Brewer*Wright, William*Zoubough, Henry
Logan County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members

Indexes to Wills, Estates, Guardianships, Distributions

  • Book A, 1795 to 1817
  • Book B, 1815 to 1823
  • Book C, 1823 to 1827
  • Book D, 1827 to 1831

Images of Logan County Wills and Estates Book A, 1795 to 1817

Adams, E.Allen, BeverleyAllen, Reuben*Anderson, Thomas*Anigel, George*Arnold, John*Ashley, William*Baker, Robert*Barnard, William R.*Barton, James*Barnett, William*Barton, James*Bayley, Thomas*Bell, John*Bennett, William*Bernard, Heningham*Bernard, John*Bernard, William*Bowie, Patsy*Boyd, Daniel*Boyle, Patrick*Britt, William*Brown, Jared*Brown, John*Browning, John*Bryant, Abraham*Burton, James*Campbell, George*Carlisle, Henry*Cavender, Thomas*Clark, William*Conner, William*Cook, John*Coreen, John*Crabtree, William*Cransden, William*Curry, John*Daniel, John*Davis, Keiza*Dawson, Redford*Drake, Sir Francis*Duncan, Benjamin*Edwards, PenelopeEley, Eli*Elliott, Thomas F.*Ewing, George*Ewing, John*Ewing, William*Ferguson, William*Fike, Malachi*Fisher, William*Fleming, Ralph*Foster, John*Frizzel, William*Furbanks, Robert*Gilbert, William*Gorham, Thomas*Graves, Frederick*Green, John*Hampton, Thomas*Hannah, David*Hawkins, James*Henderson, Thomas*Hendrick, Henry*Hendry, William*Henson, James*Herndon, James*Hinton, John*Holeman, James*Hollarton, Elizabeth*James, Isaac*Horton, William*Howard, James*Howe,, Levi*Hughs, Roland*Hughs, Rowland*Hunter, James*Johnson, John*Johnston, Nathan*Johnston, William*Jones, Aaron*Jones, JudsonKennerly, John*Kerr, Widow*Kown, L. W.*Lang, N.*Langston, Ragland*Lathem, Dickey*Lee, William*Lockhart, David*Lodge, Matthew*Lofland, William*Lowery, Samuel*Lowry, James*Lyon, John*Mayes, James*Mays, William*McCombs, Jesse*McIntosh, William*McKorne, James*McLean, Ephraim*McLean, Susana*McPherson, George*McPherson, John*McMerter, James G.*McReynolds, James*McReynolds, Robert*McReynolds, Samuel*Miller, James J.*Miller, Randle*Millikin, George*Mitchell, George*Moore, Jesse* W.Morgan, Abraham*Morgan, Jeremiah*Murrey, Michael*Ornforff, John*Phelps, Burges*Philips, William*Porter, Francis*Puntenny, Aquilla*Ragsdale, Frederick*Ragsdale, Sally*Reading, William*Reed, James*Renshaw, William*Roberts, Lina*Strader, Konrad*Stratton, William*Summers, Robert*Talkington, Elizabeth*Temple, Stephen*Thompson, Thomas*Tilghman, Stephen*Travis, Benjamin*Travis, Thomas*Turner, John*Waddle, John*Wallace, William*Ward, John*Ward, Michael*Warfield, Ann*Watson, John*West, James*Whitaker, Thomas*White, Isaac*White, John*White, Thomas*Whitsett, William*Wilcox, Josiah*Wilkins, Richard*Wilson, Josiah*Wilkerson, Joel*Wood, James*Wood, Lashly*Wood, Mason*Wood, Moses*Yarbrough, Jeremiah*Yarbrough, William*

The Odd Naming of Children

There is a Sir Francis Drake last will and testament in Logan County dated 1814. He was born in Cumberland, Virginia, and appears to be descended from the famous Sir Francis Drake of England. Probably this sort of naming with the first name as ” Sir Francis” to a child is a reminder to the heirs of descent from a prominent figure in time. Even the less obvious names seem to have great meaning within the family structure. I recently analyzed the naming of every child in a certain family. Some were given surnames as first names. The experience was eye-opening once I examined the families in the same county with those surnames. Eventually, I was able to discover the name of the grandmother who never married but had seven children by the same father. Tracing that particular lineage took me to a Revolutionary War Soldier from Abbeville, South Carolina to Henry County, Georgia. Once I prepared his family group sheet listing all of the children, the identity of the unmarried daughter (who had the illegitimate children) became apparent.

Squire Boone Lived here

The Daniel Boone lineage consists of a long line of Boones who came first to Pennsylvania before moving across the Alleghany Mountains of Virginia and into Kentucky. Several of them were commonly named ” Squire” Boone. In fact, Daniel had a first cousin with the name, a son of George Boone. Squire Boone of Logan County had nine children and died in 1817. His last will and testament are found in the probate records and are recorded on this website.