Breckinridge County Wills, Estates, Appraisements, Guardianships, Deeds
Indexes to Probate Records
Images of Wills, Estates, Inventories, Appraisements, Guardianships, Appraisements, Book No. 2, 1894 to 1935
Addison, Alice Setser | Adkisson, Allen | Adkisson, Clint | Adkisson, J. B. | Alexander, John | Alexander, Susan | Allen, Alfred | Atar, Hattie | Atar, J. W. | Avitt, John
Babbage, John D. | Bandy, Byrum | Bandy, S. S. | Bandy, Stephen R. | Bandy, Thomas | Barkley, George W. | Barger, Mattie | Barnes, Lucy E. | Barnes, William K. | Barr, Robert L. | Bartles, Abigail | Basham, Francis M. | Basham, Marrach | Bates, Elijah | Bates, Emmie | Bates, Ernie | Bates, Mary E. | Beard, Clara | Beard, Eula | Beard, G. W. | Beard, Harold Jolly | Beard, H. F. | Beard, Lucie A. | Beard, Morris H. | Beard, Sallie M. | Beavers, Austin | Beavin, Elizabeth | Beavin, Robert M. | Beavis, Lawrence | Bell, Napoleon | Bendy, Silas | Bevin, Charles | Bennett, H. O. | Bernard, Ira | Beauchamp, Rachael | Belt, Richard | Bennett, Sallie A. | Blacklock, Charlotte | Blair, John | Blair, Josephine | Bland, Henry | Bland, T. R. | Blair, Charles F. | Blanford, Charles | Board, Amos | Board, Andy | Board, Green | Board, Lucy A. | Board, Margaret | Bohen, Marion | Bohler, Mrs. Tom | Bohler, Thomas | Bomar, William | Booth, Malissa | Bowmer, Margaret | Boyd, Belle W. | Bridwell, William C. | Bright, David | Brown, Elizabeth | Brown, Gus | Brown, J. W. | Brown, Tam | Bruce, Annie | Brumfield, William | Bruner, Abram | Bruner, Lilie | Burch, Z. T. | Burdett, William Rosser | Butler, Lloyd | Butler, Rodrio
Cannaway, Thomas | Cannon, Henry A. | Cannon, Lucretia | Cannon, S. B. and W. L. | Cannon, William | Carman, Christopher | Carman, Thomas | Carman, William | Carman, William P. | Cart, Allie W. | Carter, Joseph Flaget | Carter, T. L. | Chamberlain, Charles | Chambliss, William H. | Chaudoin, Thomas | Cheney, John C. | Clark, Mary | Clark, Sarah J. | Claycomb, Emma | Claycomb, Finis | Claycomb, Nelson | Claycourt, Joel | Cody, Sallie | Coleman, A. B. | Compton, Charles | Compton, J. M. | Conner, James W. | Conner, V. Walker | Conrad, S. P. | Cox, George | Cox,, Samuel W. | Crahan, Mike | Critchelow, J. R. | Cummings, Ida | Cundiff, M. M.
Davidson, Lewis E. | Davis, Christopher C. | Davis, Clint | Davis, Henry H. | Davis, Isaac | Davis, Julia K. | Davis, Pearl | Davis, Sarah Elizabeth | Davis, Wilson | Davison, John | Dean, Henry R. | Dean, Henry R. | DeHaven, Anderson | DeHaven, Mary E. | DeHaven, Wickliffe | Dempster, Bettie | Dempster, Betty | Dix, Lou A. | Dodson, Thomas S. | Douglass, Charles | Douglass, Thornton | Dowell, B. C. | Dowell, Clinton | Dowell, Griffin S. | Dowell, Henry T. | Dowell, Mary P. | Dowell, William | Dowell, Willis Pate | Dowell, W. T. | Drane, O. M. | Drury, Johu Ann | Drury, Sargent | Duley, Thomas | Durham, James | Dutschke, August | Dutshcke, Julius
Elder, John | Elliot, Oslmer | Eskridge, Agnes | Eskridge, Thomas
Fackler, Jacob | Fisher, Addison | Fisher, John M. | Fisher, John M. (2) | Fisher, Sallie Sebastian | Fletcher, Charles Woodson | Flowers, E. H. | Foster, Ludwell | Fraize, Frank | Fraize, Jesse | Frank, James | Frank, Samuel | French, Emily | French, J. W. | Furrow, William Minor
Gahl, S. | Galloway, Phidelia | Galloway, S. E. | Gardner, Newson | Gibson, John | Gilliland, James T. | Glasscock, George D. | Glasscock, William J. | Glasscock, William R. | Goatley, Palmer | Goanes, Charles | Graham, Martha | Graves, James Lawrence | Gray, James | Gray, Jessey | Greenwell, Philip Greenwood, E. F. | Greenwood, Julia Francis | Greenwood, Margaret | Gregory, Cinderella | Gregory, Eliza Graham | Gregory, J. D. | Gregory, Lucinda | Gross, A. J. | Guess (deed)
Haden, F. B. | Hall, C. A. | Hall, Richard F. | Hamilton, Elmina | Hamilton Marion | Hardesty, Jesse | Hammon, Michael | Hanks, Margaret | Hardaway, R. L. | Hardaway, Thomas P. | Hardin, Hannan | Hardin, Willis | Harford, H. B. | Harrell, Alfred | Harrington, James | Harrington, Lura | Harrington, Willard | Harrison, B. P. | Haswell, John | Hatfield, Julia | Hawkins, Mary E. | Hayden, Charles | Hayes, Fannie | Hayes, Fannie | Hayes, Joseph H. | Head, Henry | Helms, A. J. | Henderson, L. E. | Hendrick, Eliza | Hendrick, Mike | Henry, D. W. | Henry, J. L. | Henry, Mary C. | Hensley, Ella Morris | Hesler, John G. | Heston, Charles M. | Heston, Lucy | Hicks, Horace | Hiner, Dora | Hinton, Allen L. | Hinton, Benjamin F. | Holmes, Thomas | Hook, George | Horn, Carthage | Horseley, Frasier | Horseley, Irvin | Horseley, Laura Elsie | Horseley, P. A. | Horseshell, Joseph S. | Horton, Elmer | Houan, Peter D. | Howard, Will | Howard, W. Mashby | Hudson, Joseph | Hughes, Richard | Hunt, James G. | Hunter, A. C. | Hylton, G. W.
Jarbee, Charles | Jarbee, John C. | Jarbee, Lon | Jared, Joel | Jolly, Lydia A. | Jolly, R. M. | Jolly, Thomas J. | Jolly, Wilson | Johnston, T. L. | Jones, Charles W. | Jones, Emma | Jones, Frank H. | Jones, J. T. | Jones, Mollie | Jones, William | Jordan, John D. | Jordin, Willis | Jourdan, Joel
Kasey, Samuel A. | Kasey, S. W. | Keith, John E. | Kerry, Jesse | Ketcham, Herbert | Kincheloe, Allen | Kinsheld, Catherine | Kintz, Laura | Knott, Raphael | Krebs, H. J. | Kurtz, Henry | Kurtz, Lucy
Lacy, Ann | Lampton, Ernest | Lampton, Ezra | Lawson, William G. | Laslie, P. T. | Lee, Charles O. | LeGrand, E. Davis | Lewis, Bluford | Lightfoot, Carrie Hambleton | Lightfoot, C. E. | Lightfoot, Rebecca | Lillard, Silas | Lockard, Robert Sr. | Lucas, Ralph | Lyddan, M. | Lyon, Foster B. | Lyon, Jabez C. | Lyons, Isabelle
Macy, Jesse | Marlow, Kittie | Marr, J. W. | Marshall, G. T. | Marshall, James S. | Martin, Barsheba | Mattingly, J. C. | Mattingly, J. H. | Mattingly, Marcus | Mattingly, Rebecca | May, Charles Sr. | May, Margaret | McCann, Hattie | McCornish, Fedrick | McCoy, Benjamin T. | McCoy, George T. | McCoy, Sarah E. | McCrae, Margaret | McCubbins, John | McCubbins, Mose | McDonald, Julia | McGavock, John | McGavock, Marion | McGehee, F. H. | McGill, Thomas A. | McGlothlan, Martin | Meador, John H. | Meader, John W. | Meader, R. W., Dr. | Mercer, Elmore Hunts | Merritt, Ella | Meyers, Lawrence C. | Meyers, M. | Milburin, Jacob | | Miller, C. B. | Miller, Charles Sr. | Miller, Huston | Miller, Jane | Miller, J. C. | Miller, Jose | Miller, Mary J. | Miller, Will | Milner, M. J., Mrs. | Minor, William E. | Minter, Sarah | Mitchell, James R. | Moorman, Bettie DeHaven | Moorman, David | Moorman, Jesse L. | Mordock, John | Morgan, Thomas | Morris, Abraham | Morris, Martha Ann | Morris, Sallie A. | Morris, Willie B. | Morrison, Jacob | Morton, Lewis S. | Morton, William B. | Murphy, Elizabeth | Musselman, John
Napper, R. J. | Neafus, Daniel | Nevitt, John | Newman, Christina | Newsom, Jennie S. | Newsom, R. L. | Newton, Elizar | Nicholas, Susie Ann | Nimms, John | Nolte, Emil | Norris, W. T. | Norton, Bettie | Norton, E. M. | Norton, H. H. | Norton, Isaac | Nottingham, George P.
O’Connell, John | Oglesby, Edward | Oliver, Sylvester | Oelze, Henry Amil | Oelze, John Henry | Overton, Margaret | Owen, Mary H.
Parker, Giles | Parks, Jesse L. | Parks, S. P. | Pate, Charles and Amanda | Pate, J. J. | Pate, Raymond | Pate, W. N. | Paumphrey, W. D. | Payne, C. D. | Payne, Edward | Payne, James N. | Payne, James | Payne, Joanna | Payne, Robert | Payne, William | Payne, William (2) | Payne, Willis G. | Payton, Frank W. | Penick, Carrie | Penner, J. B. | Perrige, Henry Howard | Phelps, William B. | Pickett, J. H. | Pile, C. C. | Pile, D. L. | Pile, Emily | Pile, George M. | Pile, John | Pile, Wade | Pool, Sanford | Pope, Clarence | Popham, Elizabeth | Porter, J. C. | Powell, F. M. | Praize, Cornelia Warfield | Price, Teresa | Priest, Charles Henry | Priest, Samuel W. | Pullin, Stephen
Quiggans, Cornelius | Quiggans, M. H.
Ray, John R. | Relder, John | Rhodes, Cordelia | Rhodes, F. K. | Rhodes, Francis | Rhodes, John | Rhodes, Thomas | Rhodes, William E. | Richardson, D. S. | Richardson, Mary | Ritchie, James | Roberts, Lewis T. | Roberts, Mary L. | Rollins, John M. | Ryan, Annie | Ryan, Thomas Owen | Ryan, T. L.
Sanders, Malinda | Sawyer, Charles | Sawyer, Frances H. | Schindler, S. P. | Seaton, A. H. | Seaton, Emma | Selfried, Mary | Sheeran, Amorah | Shellman, Alexander | Shellman, Ermine | Shellman, John M. | Shellman, R. A. | Shively, Thomas H. | Shumate, Harrison | Shumate, James Sr. | Sills, William | Simmons, Charles Henry | Simmons, Elisha | Simmons, Lewis | Simons, Arad | Skillman, Elizabeth | Skillman, John Henry | Skillman, Lucy M. | Skillman, Nancy | Skillman, William | Slaton, Jennie | Smart, Nannie | Smiley, James | Smith, C. C. | Smith, Emily | Smith, Kellogg | Smith, Zachariah | Snyder, James | Speak, Felix | Speak, John T. | Speaks, Lawrence | Spencer, James | Spencer, Robert | Spradlin, Daniel | Spradlin, Elizabeth | Sprigg, W. C. | Squires, Barney | Squires, Minnie Trent | Steele, John Wesley | Stephens, Jacob G. | Stewart, Hattie | Stewart, Joel | Still, Bluford | Stillman, A. B. | Stinnett, Elizabeth | Sullivan, Edward | Sutton, John | Sutton, Richard
Tabeling, Powell | Tate, Mary | Thoben, John | Thompson, J. P. and Allie | Thornhill, Eliza | Traff, Susan | Trent, Ella | Tucker, Ezra | Tucker, James T. | Tucker, John F. | Tucker, J. V. | Tucker, S. J. | Tucker, Samuel | Tucker, William P.
Vaughan, O. B.
Walker, Frank L. | Walker, J. W. | Walter, Frederick | Walker, Susan | Warr, Ellen | Warren, Elizabeth | Warren, Raymond Nelson | Washington, Bate | Waters, Abel Gilling | Watlington, A. R. | Watts, Missouri | Wayne, Ellen S. | Webb, Annie | Webb,, James A. | Weller, R. S. | West, H. B. | Wethington, W. R. | Wheeler, John Thomas | Wheeler, S. T. | Whitfield, Angus | Whitfield, Thomas Jefferson | Whitworth, Charles | Wilkerson, Elizabeth | Wilson, Jane | Wilson, Richard | Wilson, R. M. | Wilson, W. T. | Withers, Thomas | Witt, James Addison | Wolverton, Martha | Wood, Sadie | Woods, Jane | Woodside, Clifford | Wortham, Samuel | Wright, H.
Images of Wills, Estates, Inventories, Appraisements, Guardianships, Appraisements, Book 1, 1800 to 1893
Addison, Robert | Ader, David | Adkisson, William Sr. | Aiken, Courtney | Alexander, Charles | Alexander, Hardin | Alexander, Philip | Alexander, Thomas | Allen, Allen | Allen, Joseph | Allen, Jeremiah | Alvey, Thomas | Amen, William | Anderson, George | Ascott, Margaret
Baker, George C. P. | Barber, John | Barger, Andrew | Barlow, Samuel | Barnes, Edmund | Barr, Adam Jr. | Barr, George | Basham, Francis | Basham, Hannah | Basham, William | Bassett, James Bassham, Littleberry | Bates, Benjamin | Bates, Samuel H. | Beacham, Bartlett | Beale, Elizabeth | Beard, James Sr. | Beard, Nehemiah Bealcher, Fielding | Bealcher, William | Beauchamp, Alexander | Beavin, Henry | Benley, Christiann | Bennett, Edgar | Berren, Jacob | Best, Joseph | Betbell, Samuel | Bevin, Felix | Bevin, Rachael | Bevins, Samuel | Blain, Michael | Blain, William | Blanford, John | Blevins, Thomas | Board, Harrison L. | Board, Henderson | Board, James | Board, William | Bomour, George | Bonner, Robert | Bosinger, Jacob | Brack, James C. | Branfield, John | Brasher, Peter | Bratcher, Buford | Brown, Gideon | Brown, Mary | Bruce, Catharine | Bruce, Hiram | Bruce, William Bruner, John | Burbage, Elizabeth Ann Waltern | Burch, Henley | Burch, James F. | Burditt, Stephen | Burnett, John L. | Burton, Edward | Burton, George | Butler, James Butler, Margaret
Cannon, John H. | Carman, George H. | Carter, Merry | Carter, Richard F. | Carwile, David | Cashman, Martin | Chadman, Joshua | Chambliss, Robert | Chappell, James W. | Clark, Henry A. | Clark, Joseph | Clark, Simeon | Claycomb, Nicholas | Claycourt, Conrad | Combs, Ignatius | Compton, William | Connell, Thomas | Conner, Dade | Conner, Edward | Cook, Elizabeth | Coombs, Henry Cowheard, Elizabeth | Cox, Benjamin | Craig, Emeline | Critchlow, Joseph | Cross, Robert N. | Cunningham, James
Daniel, Vivion | Davis, Thomas P. | Deal, William | Dean, Henry P. | Dean, Howard | Deane, Mary | Dennard, Susan | Dent, William | Dickerson, Winfield | Dowck, Micajah | Dowck, Thomas | Driggins, James | Duggins, Benjamin | Duncan, George P. | Duncan, James | Duncan, Thomas | Dunnett, John | Durpin, James
Eaders, Peter | Eidson, Mildred | Elliott, J. C. | Elliott, William | Etherington, Richard | Evans, Samuel
Fackler, Joseph | Faith, Ruth | Febesgan, Samuel | Fentress, Valentine | Fisher, John | Fisher, William | Fitzhugh, William | Flakes, Michael | Foote, Edwin | Frank, Elizabeth | Frank, Martha J. | Fraze, John | French, James | Frymire, Mary
Galloway, John W. | Gannaway, William | Garret, David | Gentry, Keziah | Gibbons, Fielder | Gibson, William | Gilbert, Aquila | Gilbert, Aquilla | Gilbert, Jacob | Gillenwates, Joel | Gilmore, James | Glasscock, George | Glasscock, Gregory | Glasscock, John Sr. | Glasscock, Redmond | Glasscock, Sally | Glasscock, William | Godsey, Solomon | Grant, Daniel | Gray, James | Green, R. F. W. D. | Green, Thompson | Greenwell, Wilfred | Gregory, George W. | Gregory, John R. | Gregory, Thomas | Gross, Abraham | Guggins, James
Haddock, John | Haffey, James | Hair, Benjamin | Hale, Robert | Hall, David | Hall, Robert | Hall, Stephen | Hall, William | Hambleton, Willis | Hand, James | Hanning, Hilary | Hardaway, Richard B. | Hardin, Benjamin | Hardin, Henry | Hardin, William | Harne, John | Harshfield, Frederick | Hartfield, Henry | Harwood, John | Hawkins, George C. | Hay, Valentine | Hayden, Thomas | Haynes, Henry | Hays, Harvey | Hayes, Josh | Hays, Samuel | Heist, Kate A. | Heist, Spicy | Helm, Sallie | Henderson, Peyton | Hendrick, Robert | Hendrick, William | Hesike, J. W. | Heston, Isaiah | Hewitt, John | Hicks, Jesse | Hiff, William | Hinds, Benjamin | Hinter, B. W. | Hinton, Austin | Hite, Isaac | Hogg, Elizabeth | Holland, John | Holt, Rosina | Holt, W. D. | Hoskins, Harison | Hoskinson, Mary | Hott, Thomas | Howard, Christopher | Howard, WilliamHowell, Nehemiah | Hudson, Squire | Huffey, Cornelius | Huston, Margaret | Hutchison, Joseph | Hutt, Robert
Jacob, Tabitha | Jarrett, Wilson | Jenings, Jefferson | Jolly, Gideon | Jolly, Samuel | Jones, William | Jordan, Sashwell | Jordan, William Kasey, Francis | Kendrick, Allen | Kinchelor, Jesse | Kinchelor, Thomas | King, Ann
Lacy, Thomas | Lay, John | Leaves, Thomas J. | Lester, George | Lewis, Charlie | Lester, James | Lewis, Jesse | Lewis, John | Lewis, Solomon | Long, William C. | Lucas, Ignatius | Lusthard, Herman | Lyddan, Nicholas | Lyon, John | Lyon, William | Lyons, Joseph
Madox, John W. | Maffett, Benjamin | Martin, Ezekiel Sr. | Matthews, Sallie | McCaner, John | McCans, Alexander Jr. | McCLain, William | McClelland, John | McCornish, Isaac | McCoy, Ammon | McCoy, John P. | McCoy, John R. | McDonnall, Joseph B. | McDowell, Littleberry | McGavock, Robert | McGee, James | McGill, Catharine | McGill, John | McGill, Joseph | McClothlan, Edward | McGlothlan, Lafayette | McGlothlan, Melvina | McGlothlan, William | McCone, William | McCoy, William | McGuffin, Thomas | Meador, M. H. | Meador, Nancy | Meadows, Riley | Meadows, Thomas | Mendell, James | Menthies, John M. | Mercer, Elmore | Meriwether, W. A. | Miller, G. W. | Miller, John | Miller, Matilda | Miller, Matthias | Minges, Peter | Minton, John | Monroe, James D. | Montague, William | Montgomery, Mary | Montgomery, Polly | Moorman, Andrew C. | Moorman, James | Moorman, Jesse | Moredock, Stephen | Moreland, Josiah | Moreman, Abraham | Moreman, James H. L. | Mork, Jacob | Morris, James | Morris, William | Morrison, James | Morriss, James | Morton, William | Mossman, Lewis | Munday, William | Murray, David | Murray, Elijah
Neff, Jacob | Newland, Mary | Newman, Obediah | Newman, Thomas V. | Nichols, John | Nolan, Nicholas | Norton, Isaac | Norton, James
Oglesby, Joseph | Osgood, Howell | Owen, Alford | Owen, Sally | Owens, Thomas
Parks, Seth | Pate, Benjamin | Pate, Mitton | Pate, Thomas | Payne, Moses | Perkins, Richard | Peyton, Francis | Peyton, Mary | Pierce, John | Pile, Edward | Pile, Henry G. | Pile, Isaiah | Pool, Benjamin | Pool, Bushrod | Pool, John | Pool, Letitia | Pool, Stephen | Pool, William P. | Powell, Edward Willis | Powers, Edward | Prather, William | Priest, John | Pullen, William | Pulliam, Elijah
Quiggins, Henry | Quiggins, James | Quiggins, James (2)
Ramsey, Isaac | Ray, Washington L. | Rhodus, John | Rhodes, Elias | Richardson, Joseph | Ritchie, Joseph | Robards, Alfred | Robards, Joseph | Robards, Nancy | Robbins, Josiah | Roberts, Daniel W. | Roberts, Josiah H. | Roberts, Thomas | Robertson, Andrew | Robertson, James | Robertson, Mary | Robertson, William | Rogers, James H. | Rollins, Sarah | Rollins, Stephen | Rooks, Fanny | Ross, David | Ross, Robert | Rowan, George | Rusher, Ephraim | Ryle, William
Sawyer, Jonathan | Scott, Minor | Scott, Thomas | Seaton, William K. | Sebastian, Benjamin | Sharp, Isham | Shaw, Jesse | Shelman, Martin | Shoemaker, John | Shrewsberry, Joel | Sinclair, George | Singleton, William | Skillman, Peter | Skillman, Richard | Skillman, William | Smiley, Edward | Smith, Charles | Smith, Francis | Smith, John | Snider, Mary | Smith, Nancy | Snelling, Samuel | Speak, Margaret | Spencer, John | Spencer, Robert | Squires, Thomas | Stephens, Morgan and Martha | Stephens, Richard | Squires, John | Steel, John | Stephens, Daniel J. | Stith, James | Stith, John | Stith, Richard | Stith, Thomas | Stith, William | Stuart, Charles
Tabor, Philip | Taylor, Abraham W. | Taylor, James | Thomas, William | Thurston, S. H. | Tilly, Joel | Tinkler, Weyman | Townsend, Robert | Tucker, John | Tucker, Susan | Tuttle, William
Walker, Henry | Wale, Martin | Wall, William | Wathen, Benedict, Dr. | Walters, Charles | Warren, Charles | Warren, Thomas | Wattingly, Richard | Watts, Benjamin | Watts, John W. | Weatherford, David | Webb, John | Wethington, Nathaniel | Wheeler, William | White, R. D. | White, William | Whitworth, William | Wigges, Charity | Wilkerson, Sarah | Williams, Ann | Williams, David | Williams, Hugh | Williamson, Alexander | Wilson, Milington | Wiseheart, William | Woods, John | Wright, Thomas N.