Names of Families in Boone County Wills, Inventories, Estates and Probate Records
Boone County was founded in 1798 and named after Daniel Boone. The county seat is Burlington, Kentucky. The courthouse records begin in 1800 and contain a complete record of old wills, estates, inventories, guardianships, and other miscellaneous estate items all bundled together in the same book. In other words, when you research these books, a detailed account of the estate follows the last will and testament until it was settled.
Dinsmore Homestead
During 1839 James and Martha Dinsmore purchased 700 acres of land in Boone County and built Dinsmore House in 1842 along with several outbuildings. It is located on Burlington Pike west of Burlington, Kentucky. The family raised sheep and grew grapes and willow trees for a basket-making business that was overseen by German immigrants. The house survives today and contains all its original artifacts and Indians. The Dinsmore family resided in the home from 1842 to 1926. In 1987, the Dinsmore Homestead Foundation purchased the home along with 30 acres of land. A collection of some 90,000 pages of family letters, journals, and business records have been preserved on microfilm for use at the Dinsmore Homestead.
Images of Will Book C, 1831 to 1839
Testators: Adams, Alanson | Adams, Hansan | Adams, Johnson | Allen, James | Allen, Robert | Allen, William | Arnold William | Ayler, Michael | Barlow, Aaron | Barlow, Christopher | Barton, Eleanor | Bates, William R. | Bedinger, George M. | Bell, Pervical | Black, Benjamin | Black, James | Bolen, Jesse S. | Booth, John | Botts, Joshua | Bradley, Johnson | Breedlove, John | Bristow, Benjamin | Bullard, George | Burns, James | Burton, Benjamin | Canaday, George W. | Caree, Polly | Carpenter, Elizabeth | Carpenter, Jonathan | Carpenter, William | Carter, L. W. | Chambers, Robert S. | Chamblin, William | Chapman, John | Click, John | Cloud, Jane | Connelly, Thomas | Conrad, Micajah | Cooper, James | Cooper, James R. | Christy, Uriel | Crisler, Ambrose | Crisler, David | Currie, Carolina | Currier, James | Daniel, B. B. | Dawley, Caleb | Dawley, Sarah | Dean, Jeremiah | Demorse, James | Dickerson, Mary | Dickerson, Mary M. | Dickerson, Thomas | Dixon, Henry | Dobbins, Joseph | Dobbins, Matthew | Dudgeon, William M. | Dulany, Elijah W. | Dunlany, E. W. | Dunlap, James | Fennell, Benjamin | Fisher, George | Foulk, Thomas | Frazier, R. C. | Fullilove, Henry | Gaines, Churchill | Gaines, William | Gaines, William W. | Garland, Sarah | Gilpin, Israel | Gordon, Robert | Graves, James | Graves, Joseph | Graves, Walker | Graves, Willis | Green, David | Green, Thomas | Green, William | Hamilton, William | Hawkins, Gabriel | Hawkins, James | Hawkins, Joseph | Hay, James | Henderson, John | Herod, Thomas Hogan, William | House, James | Hubbell, Augustus Hubbell, Gresham Huffman, John | Johnson, C. | Johnson, Dave | Kannady, John | Kennedy, George W. | Kirkley, Elijah | Kirthley, Joel | Kite, William | Lambertson, James | | Lancaster, James | | Lantz, Martin | Latimer, Jacob | Leonard, William | Lewis, Samuel | Love, Wendell | Marcus, Matthew | Mathews, Clichester | Matthews, Charles and Agnes | Matton, Asa | McCarty, James | McCoy, William | McCoy, William N. | McElpresh, Abner | McGlasson, land sold by Sheriff | McGlasson, Benjamin | McGlasson, William | McManima, James | McNeal, A. J. | McPherson, Alexander | Miller, Henry | Miller, Sarah | Morrow, Thomas | Morrow, Thomas F. | Mosby, David | Moseley, Daniel | Moseley, Penelope | Murdock, William | Myager, William | Neal, William | Neel, John | Nelson, Ambrose | O Neal, John W. | Opagle, William | Noble, Thomas | Parker, Richard | Peek, Thomas J. | Perrin, Thomas | Piner, Elizabeth | Porter, James | Pratt, Jacob | Price, Williamson | Reamer, Henry H. | Rice, Benajah | Riddell, A. | Riddell, Archibald | Riddell, James | Riddell, L. | Riddell, William | Robinson, Sally | Robinson, Stephen | Rogers, Barnett | Ross, Alexander | Ross, George | Rouse, Abraham | Rouse, Jacob | Rouse, Joel | Rouse, Samuel | Rouse, Tabitha | Runyan, William | Ryle, James | | Ryle, John | Ryle, William Jr. | Ryon, John | Sanders, William | Sandford, Mary | Sandford, Permelia | Sandford, Robert | Sandford, Templeton | Scott, Moses | Scott, William | Simpson, Hadon | Simpson, Moses | Smith, Susannah | Smithers, William | Story, John | Story, Thomas | Sullivan, William | Tanner, Ephraim | Terrill, Robert | Trowbridge, Elizabeth | Trowbridge, Silas | Tousey, Moses | Tully, Samuel | Utz, Benjamin | | Vickers, William | Webster, Daniel | White, James | | White, Richard | Wilhoit, Caleb | Wilhoit, William | Williamson, James | Willis, Benjamin | G. Willis, William | Zimmerman, Christopher | Zimmerman, Frederick
Genealogy Records available to members of Kentucky Pioneers
Indexes of Probate Records
- Book A, Wills, Estates, Inventories, 1800 to 1821
- Book B, Wills, Estates, Inventories, 1821 to 1832
- Book C, Wills, Estates, Inventories, 1831 to 1839
Boone County Kentucky Genealogy Records Available to Members
Images of Wills, Estates, Inventories, Book A, 1800 to 1821
Testators:Attaway, Archalaus | Attaway, Rebecca | Attaway, Salley | Attaway, Sarah | Attaway, William | Barlow, Christopher | Black, Benjamin | Bolin, William | Braun, Joseph | Brockman, John | Brockman, William | Brown, Thomas | Brown, William | Burl, Richard | Cave, Hiram | Cave, Richard | Cave, William | Cherry, Moses | Christy, George | Collier, James | Conley, Arthur | Conner, John | Corbin, William | Corson, Abel | Craig, John | Dicken, James | Dicken, Richard | Dickens, Samuel | Dulaney, Benjamin | Dulany, John | Dulany, John Jr. | Epperson, Benjamin | Eve, Clary | Fennell, Benjamin | Fowler, Edward | Garnett, John | Garnett, William | Glacken, William | Glover, R. | Goodridge, George | Graves, William | Green, Thomas | Gunter, Abraham | Hawkins, Joseph | House, Moses | Hughs, Andrew | Hughs, George | Hughs, John | Hume, Garrard | Hunt, Richard | Hutcherson, Samuel | Johnson, Benjamin | Johnson, William | Kirtley, Jeremiah | Kirkley, Mary | Lowry, Alexander | Manfield, Robert | Markland, Jonathan | Markland, Richard | McCorkle, William | McIntosh, James | McMerks, John , Sr. | Miller, John | Moore, estate inventory | Moseley, Benjamin | Neal, John | Noble, John | Noble, Thomas | Norris, John | ONeal, Charles | ONeal, Henry | Parker, Richard | Peek, James | Perrington, James | Points, John | Porter, R. | Pratt, Artemis | Reamer, James | Reed, Zachariah |Rice, Benajah | Rice, Elijah | Rogers, John | Royster, George | Sanders, William | Sanford, Richard | Seals, Barrett | Shackleford, William | Sharp, John H. | Shepherd, James | Simpson, Moses | Sleet, G. | Sleet, M.| Smith, Thomas | Smith, William J. | Smith, William Johnson | Sprigg, Ann | Steele, W. | Stephens, John | Stephens, Thomas | Stewart, Robert | Tanner, John | Thomas, Clarissa | Thomas, Mathew | Thomas, Nathan | Torrey, Von Vacker | Towery, Betsy | Underhill, William | Vickers, Alexander | Wills, Johnson | Wilson, Richard | Worrell, William
Images of Wills, Estates, Inventories, Book B, 1821 to 1832
Testators: Allen, Francis | Anderson, Henry | Ayler, Michael | Banister, Augustine | Barkshire, Joel | Barkshire, Richard | Barton, Valentine | Bates, John | Bates, William | Beall, Thomas | Bennington, William | Bolin, William | Bradford, Joseph | Brockman, Elizabeth | Brockman, John | Brown, John | Brown, Nancy | Brown, Thomas | Brown, William | Burt, Richard | Bute, Thomas | Campbell, Gilbert | Cane, Jeremiah | Cane, Richard | Cane (or Cave), William | Carlton, Jonathan | Carter, Rosanna | Chinn, John W. | Colvert, Elizabeth | Craig, Cyrus | Craig, Robert | Cravens, Jeremiah | Crisler, Ambrose | Crisler, David | Cristler, Leonard | Crissenberry, William | Custer, David, Sr. | Depree, Abraham | Dicken, James | Doleson, George | Dudgeon, James | Dulaney, Elijah | Dulany, Fanny | Dulany, Susanna | Eads, John | East Bend Church (deed) | Foster, Samuel | Fray, Moses | Fry, George | Fuller, William | Garland, John | Garland, Sarah | Garnett, Edmund | Graves, Absalom | Graves, John | Green, David | Green, Thomas | Gregory, William | Harry, Janet W. | Hawkins, Philemon | Hawkins, Thomas | Heages, Samuel | Henderson, John | Hensley, Stephen | Herod, Thomas | Hogan, William | House, Joel | Huey, Samuel | Hufman, Joel | Huffman, Solomon | Huffman, T. | Hughes, George | Hull, John | Huston, Archibald Jack, John | Jenkins, William | Johnson, Benjamin | Johnson, Hezekiah | Johnson, James | Johnson, Zachariah | Kimball, William | Kite, George | Landford, Richard | Layton, Thomas | Ledger, John | Love, Windel | Makin, W. | Markland, Richard | Matthews, Chichester | McCarty, James | McClay, Thomas | McGinnis, Patsy | McGlasson, William | McGruder, Richard | McPherson, Mark | Miller, Andrew | Mitchell, Garnett | Mitchell, Wesley | Morrell, Wiley Morris, John | Morris, Linny | Mosby, Benjamin | Neal, John | Neel, Robert | Newman, Alexander | Nickols, John | Noel, James | Norman, Benjamin H. | ONeal, John | ONeal, William | Pantz, Martin | Peek, Asa | Peake, Harry | Peek, Presley | Piner, Thomas | Pitcher, Thomas | Porter, James | Pratt, Artemas | Records, Alexander | Reed, George | Rice, Benajah | Rice, William | Rich, Isaac | Riddell, James | Riddell, Lewis |Riddell, William | Robinson, Stephen | Rogers, Barnett |Rogers, William | Ross, Frederick | Rumble, William | Runyan, Wilson |Ryle, John Jr.|Sandford, Lawrence |Sandford, Permelia |Saunders, William | Seals, Barnett | Sellers, Thomas | Shain, Thomas | Shaw, Alfred | Shaw, Thomas | Simpson, Moses | Smith, Nathan | Steel, Weden | Stephens, John | Stewart, Hugh |Tanner, Moses | Taylor, Thomas | Thomas, Clarissa | Thomas, Nathan G. |Thompson, Daniel | Tousey, Zerah |Vawter, Thomas | Watts, Nathan | Weaver, Sampson |Welles, Benjamin | White, James | Wilhoit, William | Williams, Jesse P. |Worrell, William